Bonbons Boutiqes ltd Returns Information
OUR ITEMS ARE EXCHANGE ONLY. You have 14 days from receipt of your delivery to exchange. Unfortunately we are not able to refund the postage fee for the dispatch or return of the item. All returned clothing must have tags and labels still attached. We will not accept returned clothing if the item has been washed or shows any signs of wear and tear. All items must be in their original condition when received by our returns team. We will inspect all returns carefully and inform you if there are any issues. We will not accept returned clothing that has been damaged or marked by creams, fake tan, makeup or any other materials. Clothing that smells of perfume or fake tan will not be accepted. You are liable to pay for the cost of delivering and returning the items. Please include your original invoice and any other relevant documentation in your returns parcel. Please note that refunds or store credit is unavailable on all sale items.
ALL Returns at 27 Station Road Chingford London E4 7BJ.
(0203 161 7575)
fast delivery